5 Tips for First-time Contact Lens Wearers

5 Tips for First-time Contact Lens Wearers

5 Tips for First-time Contact Lens Wearers

5 Tips for First-time Contact Lens Wearers

5 Tips for First-time Contact Lens Wearers

Most first-time contact lens wearers worry about proper contact lens wear and care. Most people worry about the prospect of lenses that lie directly on the sensitive eye. If you take good care of your lenses and follow the doctor’s instructions, you have nothing to worry about. Contact lenses are safe and comfortable, and they conveniently provide clear vision. The following are tips for first-time contact lens wearers:



Proper Contact Lens Wear


It is vital to insert and remove your lenses properly. It reduces the risk of eye scratches. During the contact lens fitting, the eye doctor will give you instructions on how to insert and remove your lenses. You will receive practice lenses to help with the process.


Practice will ensure comfort when inserting and removing your contacts. Relax and do not worry about contact lenses getting stuck or lost in the eye. Inspect the lens before inserting it to ensure it is undamaged. Over time, wearing your contacts will become effortless.



Practice Good Hygiene


Always ensure you wash your hands before wearing or removing your lenses. You must never touch your eyes with unwashed hands, as it could lead to infection. Use soap and water to wash your hands and dry them thoroughly before inserting the lenses.


Use the proper contact lens solution to clean your lenses. You must never reuse cleaning solutions to store your lenses. Do not rinse your lenses with water. Contact lenses absorb water, which can make them swell.



Replace Lenses As Recommended


Contact lenses are available for different durations. You can get daily, weekly, monthly, or long-term contact lenses. For best results, replace your contacts as instructed and resist the urge to go one more day or week.


You risk developing eye infections or irritations if you wear contacts for longer than the recommended period. Contact lenses break down over time, causing the lens surface to hold in proteins and bacteria.



Ensure Proper Lens Storage 


Use a fresh contact solution to clean your lenses each time, and store them in a good-quality case. It will help prevent the growth of bacteria and reduce the risk of infections. Use a contact cleaning solution to clean the case. Empty the case when you take out the lenses.


Avoid using water to clean the case, as it contains microorganisms that can cause eye infections and other complications. Change your lens case after three months or as directed by your optometrist.



Schedule Regular Eye Checkups


Ensure that you visit the eye doctor regularly for a checkup. The doctor will monitor your vision and eye health to ensure the lenses work as expected. Follow the schedule your optometrist gives you, especially if you have sensitive eyes.


It is essential to consult a doctor before using a new contact lens solution. Some solutions may not be ideal for your contact lens type. Following the doctor’s directions will help you avoid damage and other complications.


Contacts provide excellent vision correction. If you take good care of your lenses, you will not have to worry about the associated risks. You should never nap with your contact lenses on. Do not wear your lenses if you are experiencing eye irritation.


For more tips for first-time contact lens wearers, visit Beachwood Family Eye Care at our Beachwood, Ohio, office. Call (216) 815-1810 to schedule an appointment today.

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